- Li The Lion
- El The Elephant
- Giselle Giraffe
- Zig Zebra with Pink Nose
- Crazy Ostrich
- Supergazelle
- Bailey The T-Rex
- Bob Parrot
- Ninoma Armadillo
- Miss Hippo
- Kobby The Grumpy Rhinoceros
- Gary Anteater
- Mr. Beaver
- Junior Caterpillar
- Mary Butterfly
- Verry Bear
- Old Frog with Glass
- Verrit Iguana
- Booby The Sheep
- Rocky Toucan
- Bad Big Wolf
- Jimmy Grasshopper
- Jumpy Kangaroo with Boxer
- Mr. Bull
- The Four Bandit Raccoons
- Doctor Duck
- Pop-c-orn The Raven
- Angry Warthog
- Boss Dolphin
- Mailman Eagle
- Walt Fisney
- Goofy Turtle
- Bartius Rooster
- Chelia Chameleoness
- Coco Macaw and Ara
- Mola Lioness
- Toothy Shark
- Evil King Crocodile
- Nurse Flamingo
- Fasty Ferret
- Pengy Penguin with Magic Hat