Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods is a 2013 Japanese animated science fantasy martial arts film. It is the eighteenth animated feature film based on the 1984–95 manga series Dragon Ball, the fourteenth to carry the Dragon Ball Z branding, and is the first film in the franchise to be personally supervised by series creator Akira Toriyama. It was the first animated Dragon Ball film in 17 years to have a theatrical release, the last being Dragon Ball: The Path to Power (1996), and the first to use digital ink and paint. Unlike previous theatrical Dragon Ball releases, this was a full feature-length production with a stand-alone release and not shown as part of the now-discontinued Toei Anime Fair (formerly the Toei Manga Matsuri). At the time of its release, Battle of Gods was initially the first film considered an official part of the Dragon Ball storyline, being set during the time skip in chapter 517 of the original manga.