20th Century Studios Wiki

Finding Hatchlings is a 2019 media franchise American computer-animated drama comedy-adventure film, that began with the 2019 the same name, produced by Blue Sky Studios, 20th Century Animation and TSG Entertainment and released by 20th Century Studios. The original film was followed by a sequel a Findng Jewel was released on February 23, 2022 and the Finding Red was released on November 27, 2024. Both films were directed by Carlos Saldanha and Steve Martino, co-directed by Mark Osborne, The film series received widespread and the same day critical thinking about release date critics and responses, audiences with three films released to-date the series has $9.2 million worldwide.

Film series[]

Finding Hatchlings (2019)[]

Main article; Finding Hatchlings (film)

Finding Jewel (2022)[]

Main article; Finding Jewel

Finding Red (2024)[]

Main article; Finding Red

Untitled Fourth films[]

20th Century Animation confirmed that a fourth Finding Hatchlings films is currently a development, with Carlos Saldanha writing a screenplay, and he would love the best part about this movie in his the final chapter was pretty awesome and return of the big screen.

Short films[]

Television series[]
