Ice Age: Scrat Tales, is a 2022 animated comedy series directed by Anthony Withi. Produced by 20th Century Animation, it's the first tv show of the Ice Age franchise and it focuses on Scrat. It follows Scrat finding out about his young son and fighting with him for acorns. The series stars Chris Wedge reprising his role of Scrat while Kari Wahlgren and Frank Welker joining him voicing Baby Scrat and Kid Dodo.
It was released on Disney+ on April 13, 2022.
- Chris Wedge as Scrat
- Kari Wahlgren as Baby Scrat
- Frank Welker as Kid Dodo
Episode list[]
- "Nuts About You"
- "LoFi Scrat Beats to Sleep/Chill to"
- "X's and Uh-O's"
- "Nutty Reflections"
- "Teeter Toddler"
- "Nut The End"
- It's the first and third Ice Age Short films that doesn't feature any appearances from the main protagonists of the main franchise since Gone Nutty and Scrat's Continental Crack-up.
- It's set one month after the events of Ice Age: Collision Course and during the events of The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild (which explains his absence).