Show Them No Mercy! is a 1935 American crime film directed by George Marshall and written by Kubec Glasmon and Henry Lehrman. The film stars Rochelle Hudson, Cesar Romero, Bruce Cabot, Edward Norris, Edward Brophy and Warren Hymer. The film was released on December 6, 1935, by 20th Century Fox.
A young couple and their child fall prey to kidnappers when a storm drives them into a seemingly abandoned farmhouse.
- Rochelle Hudson as Loretta Martin
- Cesar Romero as Tobey
- Bruce Cabot as Pitch
- Edward Norris as Joe Martin
- Edward Brophy as Buzz
- Warren Hymer as Gimp
- Herbert Rawlinson as Kurt Hansen
- Robert Gleckler as Gus Hansen
- Charles C. Wilson as Clifford
- William B. Davidson as Chief Haggerty
- Frank Conroy as Reed
- Edythe Elliott as Mrs. Hansen
- Orrin Burke as Judge Fry