Stewart Gilligan "Stewie" Griffin is the tritagonist of the animated comedy satire television series Family Guyand the titular main protagonist of the 2005 direct-to-video movie Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story. In the first three seasons he's the main antagonist of the series and wants to kill his own mother and take over the world but by Season 5 he has a change of heart and becomes one of the main protagonists. Obsessed with science, Stewie (voiced by Seth MacFarlane) is the youngest child of Peter and Lois Griffin and the brother of Meg and Chris Griffin. Over the duration of the series, he has also come to have a very close friendship with the family's anthropomorphic dog, Brian. Stewie is considered to be the show's breakout character. Wizard magazine rated him the 95th greatest villain of all time when he was the villain of the show.
He's voiced by the creator of the series Seth McFarlane.