20th Century Studios Wiki
The Garfield Show

The Garfield Show is a CGI animated television series produced by Dargaud Media, Paws, Inc, Ellipse Animation, and by 20th Century Fox Television. It is based on the American Garfield comic strip created by Jim Davis. The animated series focuses on a new series of adventures for the characters Garfield, Odie, and their owner, Jon Arbuckle, alongside staple characters from the strip and a number of unique additions for the program. Both Davis and producer Mark Evanier, who previously wrote episodes for the 1988 original cartoon animated series Garfield & Friends, co-wrote series for the program, with the cast including Frank Welker, Wally Wingert, Julie Payne, Jason Marsden and Gregg Berger. Welker and Berger had previously voiced various characters in Garfield & Friends.

The animated series premiered on 22 December 2008 in France as Garfield & Cie and on 2 November 2009 in the United States. It ran for five seasons, with its last episode airing in America on October 24, 2016; Evanier stated shortly afterward that it was on hiatus. On August 6, 2019, an unlimited Nickelodeon series based on the Garfield comic strip was announced, seemingly ending any chances of The Garfield Show coming back.
