White Hunter is a 1936 American adventure film directed by Irving Cummings and written by Sam Duncan, Kenneth Earl and Georg Wilhelm Pabst. The film stars Warner Baxter, June Lang, Gail Patrick, Alison Skipworth, Wilfrid Lawson and George Hassell. The film was released on November 25, 1936, by 20th Century Fox.
When his guide shows signs of falling in love with his daughter, a man decides it's time to kill him.
- Warner Baxter as Capt. Clark Rutledge
- June Lang as Toni Varek
- Gail Patrick as Helen Varek
- Alison Skipworth as Aunt Frederika
- Wilfrid Lawson as Michael Varek
- George Hassell as Valentine Ponsonby-Smith
- Ernest Whitman as Abdi
- Forrester Harvey as Pembrooke
- Willie Fung as Wong
- Olaf Hytten as Barton
- Ralph Cooper as Ali
- Will Stanton as Harry